Featured Artist Michelle Wermuth

Artsy Shark presents the portfolio of Featured Artist Michelle Wermuth. Enjoy her nature photograpy and visit her website for more information.


Early in the morning as the sun begins to rise, I can usually be found out in the woods behind our house stalking dew drops. My eyes are saturated with the way the light reflects off the water drops. The colors that are enhanced by the dew and early sunshine draw me in and I can’t help but capture what I see.



I can spend hours outside crawling around in the high grass seeking out the tiny unseen plants, weeds as some would say; beauty is what I call them. I enjoy capturing something so small and hidden that most people have never seen it before. My camera becomes an extension of myself. I am capturing the colors, textures and light that I see. The bright greens, reds and purples of miniscule flowers and grasses fill my eyes.



Macro photography is a true expression of how I see things. I see the tiny miniscule details and want to show the world. Occasionally I will bring a flower inside to get an extreme close up. Usually those drops are only a couple of millimeters in size. The natural world is constantly shifting and changing with the seasons, and as such my work is the same. In the spring my images are bright and colorful. In the winter they are black and white and sepia.



My editing process is pretty simple. I want to keep the images as I saw them in the camera so I rarely crop or enhance the images. I open my images in Photoshop to spot out the random dust particle and straighten horizons. I compose my images in the camera the way I want to see them printed. My prints and canvas’s are true to format.



Nature photography has always been an outlet for me. Growing up in the city I would seek out the green and always find the flower in the warehouse.



I would love for everyone to see what I see. It is a very peaceful and joy filled way of looking at the world. I love to show my work to as many people as possible so that they might see as I do.




  1. excellent Macro photography

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