Featured Artist Barbara L. Clark

Enjoy the exquisite portfolio of painter Barbara L. Clark, and see more of her work by visiting her website.


"Orchid Show 1" 36” X 24” acrylic on gesso board

“Orchid Show 1” 36” X 24” acrylic on gesso board


What are your goals?

Painterly realism is my artistic goal. So far I have worked from own photographs and am completely enamored with the compositional chaos of nature. At this stage of my development, I am not so interested in “creating” the image but in painting an exaggerated reality. Essentially I am accepting the uncontrived composition of nature and focusing on the illusion of dimension, color, texture and light. It would be fair to say I am technique driven at this point.


Eden Road 3

“Eden Road 3” 24” X 36” acrylic on gesso board


My paintings require an immense investment of concentration and focus so keeping the work challenging makes this effort possible. Sometimes I think about a painting for a while but end up getting bored with the idea before I even start. I like the thinking part.

Of course, I would like to find a gallery that is a good fit for me and my paintings. Since my fine art painting career only started in 2011, that is a goal I have not yet accomplished. The business of art is very different than the art of business.


Ocean 1

“Ocean 1” 24” x 36” acrylic on gesso board


What are you working on now?

I have just started my second painting of a jumbled up traveler’s palm. It is my largest painting to date (“36” x 48”) and I am incorporating several techniques I learned at a recent 10-day workshop in San Francisco with classical realist painter Sadie Valerie.


Work in Progress on Eden Road 1

Work in progress on “Eden Road 1”


I am working in Golden Liquid Acrylics on gesso board. I start with a iron oxide red base color and build up with solids and many glazes.


Eden Road 1

“Eden Road 1” 24” X 36” acrylic on gesso board


My next painting is always rattling around in the back of my brain. At this time I am envisioning a large still life of my red objects (I am a fool for anything red). It will be set it up in my studio so I can paint from life. I have learned the art world is generally very critical of referencing from photos so I thought I would give this a go. I might even paint it with oils. We will see.


Orchid #4

“Orchid #4” 12” x 12” acrylic on gesso board


What inspires you?

Over the years I have studied architecture, photography, publishing, and decorative painting. I studied tromp l’oeil painting with many of today’s masters and am certain that has influenced my painting style. (Interestingly the paintings I have personally collected have been impressionistic or abstract.) A recent profile in the blog “Fine Art Views” described my paintings as “Gracious botanical realism paintings that incorporate a deep love for the flora of Florida.”


Eden Road 1

“Eden Road 2” 20” X 30” acrylic on gesso board


For my paintings, it is color. I respond to color all the time… The sun coming through the orangish pinkish bougainvillea outside my studio window, the bluish green of a Bismark Palm with that white haze over it, a book could be written describing the sky and cloud colors in Florida, the bright green new palm shoots growing out of black charred pasture from a recent burn, the insanity of orchids… There really is no end to the beauty surrounding us, so inspiration is my state of mind.


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