Enjoy this stunning collection of works by Helen K. Beacham, and visit her website for more from this talented artist.

“Azalea Impressions”, watercolor on translucent Yupo, 25″ x 31″
I am a contemporary painter originally from Montreal, Canada. My work reflects self-expression and artistic interpretation, based on my 30 year career in the arts. I work primarily in watercolor, acrylics and gouache, having studied with Dick Phillips, Brent Funderburk, Milford Zornes, Mira Lehr and others.

“Italian Colors (Burano)”, watercolor on translucent Yupo, 27″ x 21″
I’ve served as a juror and workshop instructor in the United States and abroad, and my work is in many private and corporate collections throughout the U.S., Canada, England, Kuwait, Australia and other countries.

“Venice: Over & Under”, watercolor on 300# Arches paper, 27″ x 34″
Although I sketched as a child, no one called me “an artist,” so I didn’t know I was one. At age 28, I took my first painting class. It happened to be in watercolor because that’s the type of paintings I was drawn to. I still love it today and have included other types of water media to my arsenal over the past 30 years.

“Nestled II”, watercolor on 140# Arches paper, 18″ x 21″
My latest favorite technique is painting watercolors on translucent Yupo (you can somewhat see through it.) I actually paint on the back as well as on the front of the material (I can’t call it paper because it’s actually a plastic that comes from Japan.) Whatever I paint on the back, it glows through to the front, and contributes to the final effect!

“The Doge’s Columns”, watercolor on translucent Yupo, 12″ x 21″
I’m teaching this technique in October 2014 in Maine. Acadia Workshop Center is sponsoring the week-long workshop in Bernard, Maine, near Bar Harbor.

“Campo Sant’ Angelo”, watercolor and pen & ink on 140# Arches, 21″ x 18″
Currently, I am working on a series of Venice paintings. I took adult painting students to Venice in October 2013 and we spent a week living in apartments over there. The “City of Water” was the perfect setting for many future paintings. I’m taking another group of students back there in May 2015.

“Welcome Home (Italy)”, watercolor on 300# Arches paper, 11″ x 15″
I am inspired by all things old.
Helen K. Beacham invites you to follow her on Facebook and Pinterest.
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