Artist Angela Brittain’s canvases are filled with color, movement and joy, telling stories that relate to women. Visit her website to enjoy more of her paintings.

“Faces in the Sun – Hands in the Dirt” Acrylic on Wood, 30cm x 30cm
Inspiration for my paintings often involves issues that women find particularly pertinent. I hope my view of life is fun and optimistic, and I try to bring the themes of love, waiting for others, being in the moment, and sisterhood into my work.

“Interesting Creatures” Acrylic on Wood, 30cm x 30cm
I started my artistic career as a graphic designer. I love strong colour, harmony and shape construction. The artists that inspire me most are often from the twenties and thirties, plus maestros like Daniel Schinasi, Angelo Maggi and Mick Rooney RA.

“Eat & Sleep with the Earth” Acrylic on Wood, 30cm x 30cm
I am currently working in acrylics on board, although I do sometimes work in oils on canvas. My starting point is always the thought or narrative.

“Rehearsal” Drawing
This is followed by rough drawings and research using my own drawings or photographs.

“Rehearsal” Fig. 1 (example of colour schemes done on tracing paper in crayon)
When I have drawn a composition (see ‘Rehearsal” drawing) that works for me, I do several versions in different colour schemes (“Rehearsal” fig.1&2).

“Rehearsal” Fig. 2 (example of colour schemes done on tracing paper in crayon)
I leave the drawings for several days after this and work on something else, coming back to the colour roughs with fresh eyes.

“Rehearsal” (Final painting) Acrylic on Canvas, 50cm x 50cm
When the drawing is transferred to the board, I block in large colour areas to keep the cohesive colour palette and resist breaking it up too much. I work quickly once the final painting is underway, often working on three or four at once.

“Feeling the Rhythm” Acrylic on Wood, 50cm x 40cm
Changes happen as it evolves. Some paintings come together easily with lots of positive energy, whilst others resist and fight back, causing lots of dips in confidence. The outcome of these two scenarios is that often the ones that caused the most heartache are the most successful in the end.

“Powdermills Woods” Acrylic on Canvas, 60cm x 42cm
My goal was to become a member of the Society of Women Artists, and I achieved associate membership last year. I am hoping to progress to full membership this year. Since so much of my work is about people, I am now trying some landscapes without losing the integrity of my style.

“Lose & Find Yourself” Acrylic on Wood, 36cm x 45cm
I paint in my studio in West Sussex and at my Italian house in the Abruzzo region. I also hold one-on-one workshops in the United Kingdom. My work sells mainly through galleries in London and Arundel and at Horsham Open Studios. Some projects have been commissioned with specific briefs.
I love your work! Inspiring!