Artist and storyteller Neil Paulino presents a delightfully creative collection of playing card collage. View more by visiting his website.

“Don’t Poke’r 1″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
Someone recently asked me “what kind of art do you do?” Honestly, my answer is “everything.” I love all of it and try to remain open to a flow of creativity and ideas in all forms. Every form of art can and has inspired me.

“Don’t Poke’r 2″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
This series was born from a simple deck of playing cards that was missing a few cards. It seemed like such a waste to toss it, so I used what was left to make a gift for my wife. She loved the result, and encouraged me to do more.

“Don’t Poke’r 4″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
It grew from there, finding additional inspiration from the “Me Too” movement, and the fact that women are increasingly finding their long-silenced voices and fighting back against their oppressors. I titled the series “Don’t Poke’r” because these Queens have had enough and are not going to take it anymore.

“Don’t Poke’r 7″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
The decks of cards I’ve used (100+ at this point) have become my very extensive and ever-changing “palette.” With so much to choose from, each piece becomes an exciting challenge. I research different cultures and heritages. Wardrobes, headdresses, shoes and hair styles are all considered depending on what theme I decide to pursue. I then begin creating the piece, starting first with sketches, and exploring attitudes and gestures.

“Don’t Poke’r 8″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
Aside from the acrylic backgrounds, the entire piece is created entirely from hand-cut playing cards and glue. It can be an incredibly tedious process as I pour through decks to find the right shape, the right color, the bit of “flair” that will make each creation sing.

“Don’t Poke’r 9″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
Sometimes I’ll find the exact fit right away. Other times I’ll cut out ten or more tiny slivers before I find the one that’s right for the image. It’s painstaking and maddening but absolutely exhilarating when it all comes together.

“Don’t Poke’r 10″ playing cards and glue on acrylic background, 8″ x 8”
Each of the series is signed with a “NP” embedded somewhere within the art. I love the pageantry of the Queens, and I love that there is still room for them to evolve.
Neil Paulino invites you to follow on Instagram.
Beautiful work Neil. A fabulous and innovative way to recycle playing cards. Particularly love no. 9.
Will head on over to instagram to follow you.
Thank you very much.
Just seeing this comment.