Featured Artist Pam Sommerville

Artsy Shark presents the work of featured artist Pam Sommerville. Her tropical images bring a warmth and vibrancy to a cold season.


Art by Pam Sommerville


My name is Pam Sommerville. Pam’s Paintings is my company.


Art by Pam Sommerville


I am a native southern California girl. I was born and raised mostly in Orange County, but I now reside in Oceanside, California. My parents were always generous and very supportive and encouraging. From a very young age, I have always been drawn to the ocean. I have always loved going to beach, having bonfires, and being with family and friends having a good time. Now, I am so grateful that I still live close to the beach and can still enjoy it as I did when I was young.


Art by Pam Sommerville


The inspiration for my paintings has always been the ocean, sunsets, sunrises, the sky, and the beautiful trees. For me, it’s not only the beauty, but the emotion I feel when I am there. Mother Nature provides so many beautiful colors in the sky, or reflecting off of the water. The clouds light up in colors you would never think belong there. That is what I try to express through my paintings.


Art by Pam Sommerville


Currently I am working on several paintings of the Malta Islands. I have completed one painting so far and I am almost done with the second painting. It makes me happy to know the people of Malta appreciate my work and loved what I have done this far. I am also expanding my mediums and starting to work with watercolors, pastels and sketching, but acrylic is what I have been using this far.


Art by Pam Sommerville


My goals would be that I want to share my work with as many people possible. I find joy in knowing that people love my painting enough to hang them in their homes and look at them and enjoy them. I am excited to paint more murals.


Art by Pam Sommerville


I have completed a total of seven so far, four of which were 1000 sq. ft. each. It was a challenge but very rewarding also.


Art by Pam Sommerville


I think every artist wants to be recognized for their work, and have their work appreciated. Being successful as an artist is making a living by doing what I love.




  1. Pam: Wonderful and warm. I’m in North Dakota and you can’t imagine how good they look to me…however, what draws me to your work is your subtle composition.
    Very nice…….Judy

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