Artist Statement
Sarah Tomlin was born and raised in East Texas and recently moved to Northwest Arkansas with her husband. Being raised in a small town and living in the city, Sarah is able to capture the essence of both worlds in her art. She is completely self-taught and has garnered much praise. She has been showcased on websites, in local businesses, and her work has recently been published in the Palette Art League’s Book of Artists from the Ozarks. Her point of interest is landscape and still life, but she also has a love for portraiture as well. Sarah embraces all types and genres of art and incorporates that into her artwork. For her, photography isn’t just a hobby, it’s a passion.
Goals: My goal as a photographer is to evolve. To constantly and endlessly see things people normally take for granted and capture that thought and that feeling forever. My background is medical. I always knew that I loved art, it just never occurred to me that one day I would be so engrossed in it. It is very fulfilling to capture a beautiful moment and share it with another person who can love it as much as you.
Currently working on: I am currently preparing for a show and am in the process of matting and framing several pieces. I’m discovering more and more my passion for digital editing and am always editing old photographs, and experimenting with various programs. I am also starting to delve deeper into studio photography.
What inspires me: Everything. The faces of strangers. Rusty metal. Dead trees. Abandoned buildings. Color. Other photographers. You can find inspiration in any old thing. You just have to look past what you think it is.
See more of Sarah Tomlin’s portfolio and her inspiration by visiting her website.
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