Featured artist Nancy Bass presents her portfolio of animal portraits. Be charmed by more of her artwork by visiting her website.
In my current paintings the cows and animals have become more prominent and the backgrounds more simplified. The individual personalities of each animal and the singular beauty of the animal is what I am trying to express to the viewer.
My main interest is to present the viewer with contemporary ways of seeing the beauty and personalities of animals set against abstract color fields. My named models for the last 30 years are two herds of cattle I have raised with my husband on our farm in Southern Albemarle.
This current body of work harkens back to my earliest memory of making art as a child. I remember at age three drawing a pink poodle on a piece of drawing paper and falling in love with the magic of creating art and drawing animals.
Our current herd of animals represents various breeds and colors allowing me many choices to find the right cow for my concept of a new painting. The backgrounds of my paintings are made up of several layers of paint always searching for the perfect colors that harmonize with the animals.
The animals are also painted in layers starting on an orange colored ground to add warmth. Eventually there is a developed relationship between the realistic animals and the abstracted color fields.
A friend once remarked that the animals in my paintings “look out at the viewers and express their souls.”
These are very lovely! Congratulations.
Thanks Jessica for the nice comments. I appreciate your message.
I am completely charmed by your animal portraits.
these are awesome!! i keep looking at them! it’s partially their color pallet…the lightness and pastel colors are so pleasing, especially with the background! just beautiful!!