Enjoy the dreamlike portfolio of artist Cameron Limbrick and be sure to visit his website to see more of his portfolio.

“Emergence” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 30″
Born in 1973 in Virginia, I was lucky to have spent my early life surrounded by art. My art-teacher mother would take the family on frequent visits to museums in Washington D.C. and, occasionally, New York City.

“Guidance” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 30″
I went to art school with the goal of becoming a commercial graphic designer. Despite not taking any painting classes, I practiced the medium on my own and fell in love with it. I set aside my commercial art pursuit to focus on painting full-time.

“The Dreamer” acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 20″
In 1996 I discovered computers, excelled in graphic arts, and soon created a web design business, prompting a hiatus from painting. Many years later my passion for painting resurfaced and revealed itself as my favorite way of artistic self-expression.

“Communion” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 30″
The method I have developed allows me to be spontaneous. I approach each piece with the curiosity of an adventurer, following lines like roads around bends and textures like rocky canyons, wondering what is around the corner.

“Desert Vortex” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 24″
With every painting’s inception, I have no idea what the final piece will look like. Its fate is presented to me as I progress. The deep mysterious subconscious is revealed to me throughout the entire process, shapeshifting as it advances towards its final frame. The result is a riddle, its meaning dependent on the viewer.

“Thoughts” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 36″
Much of my content seems supernatural and mystical, no surprise since I have spent most of my life as a spiritual seeker. Dreams are an underlying theme in my work.

“Roostragon” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 24″
Not only do we dream while sleeping, I have realized our waking hours are also spent dreaming, with no break between the two. “Life is but a dream,” sums up the idea.

“Lucid Dreamer” acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 36″
On a mission to share my artistic language throughout the world, I have committed my career to expressing myself as a full-time painter. After years of learning to let go, I have allowed my artistic voice to surface; I am grateful for the discovery.
Cameron Limbrick invites you to follow him on Facebook.
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