Artist Scott McIntire paints vivid, color-saturated images that have an environmental focus. To see more of his dynamic work, please visit his website.

“Considering Global Warming” Enamel on Canvas, 60″ x 36″
I work in both Brooklyn and Greenport, New York on paintings that visualize undetected “energy fields.” These unseen energy fields are in and among natural and man-made elements that are part of our daily lives.

“Fear of Fracking” Enamel on Canvas, 60″ x 48″
My concern about climate change, cellular transmissions, radio waves, sounds and the human manipulation of our environment lead me to perceive the universe beyond human senses, making “the invisible visible.”

“Power Poll 37.5+” Enamel on Canvas, 24″ x 18″
Studying industrial color with the master colorist, Albert King, at the Art Center College of Design in California greatly influenced my personal color palette.

“Late August Afternoon” Enamel on Canvas, 36″ x 48″
In order to achieve the color saturation and surface quality I am seeking, I paint with water-based enamel.

“Sumac Energy Field” Enamel on Canvas, 72″ x 36″
The color bars seen inserted in many of my pieces are there to reinforce and enhance the importance of color.

“Poppy Energy Field” Enamel on Canvas, 41″ x 36″
Early in my career while creating a series of Op Art paintings, I discovered the kinetic power of chromatic vibration.

“The Pollinator” Enamel on Canvas, 36″ x 24″
I now create optical affects with concentric circles, spiraling ovals and contrasting colors to convey the elements of energy.

“Day Lily & Locust Borer Beetle” Enamel on Canvas, 18″ x 24″
As an avid gardener examining the plants and insects in my yard, I began to notice that the surrounding air was filled with tiny bugs, dust and pollen as well as with smells, sounds and electromagnetic energy.

“Air 2” Enamel on Canvas, 48″ x 24″
Lately, I have been attracted to the Bittersweet vine, an invasive choking weed. It has an abstract and calligraphic quality as it twists and curls around itself and other branches.

“Bittersweet & Familiar Bluet” Enamel on Plywood, 64″ x 15″
This vine allows me to combine the freedom of abstraction with the precision of realism.
Artist Scott McIntire invites you to follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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