California artist Christine O’Brien’s oil paintings capture the feeling of a perfect day on the beach, the rich detail of native flowers, or nostalgia in old collectibles. Visit her website to see more.

“Tower 2” Oil on Canvas, 24” x 28”
Drawing my surroundings began at age five. My style, even then, was full of detail. I was always striving to make a view of reality my own depiction of perfection.

“Buckets and Beach” Oil on Canvas, 18” x 24”
In college, I was trained in a rigorous classical guild environment where we studied the masters and rendered the live figure. My studies also included architectural illustration and graphic design. This cross training greatly influenced me and is incorporated into the subjects and realistic perspectives that I paint today.

“Lavender Candy” Oil on Linen, 24” x 36”
Living in southern California, I am inspired to paint beach life and botanicals. I travel with both a sketchbook and a camera.

“Beach Bunnies” Oil on Canvas, 18” x 24”
My sketches capture the essence and ideas for paintings, and I also make notations on how I might depict the feeling of an ocean breeze, the calming sound of the waves and the carefree life of figures relaxing or frolicking in the sand.

“Giant Birds” Oil on Linen, 36” x 36” Inches
The flowers of California plants such as Birds of Paradise and Lavender are visual treats that thrive in the landscape by my studio. I enjoy highlighting the subtle variations of the flowers in order to capture their majestic feeling and the intense beauty of their blooms.

“Window Cat” Oil on Linen, 12” x 12”
Observing my environment also triggers ideas for still life paintings. While jogging past a yard sale last year, my eye caught a glistening reflection from one of the collectibles for sale.

“Glass Pumpkin” Oil on Linen, 10” x 10”
I immediately knew how I would depict its nuances, bigger than life, on a canvas. I now frequent resale shops for formerly owned collectibles to use in a still life series, which I call my “Tchotchke Series.” These paintings are a way of taking once valued sentimental items and giving them a new legacy as a piece of fine art.

“Window Kitten” Oil on Canvas, 12” x 12”
I love the creative process of oil painting, from beginning to end.

Artist Christine O’Brien in Studio in front of work in progress, a 48” x 48” piece titled “Lollipop Ranch”
I hand-stretch my canvas or linen and start the painting by toning with an oil wash. My second layer is a proportional sketch in soft pencil. Then, subsequent layers define the composition and build up specific details.

“Beach Chat” Oil on Linen, 30” x 40”
Through this elaborate brushwork and imagery enhancement, I work to create dynamic perspectives that evoke a mood in time.
Artist Christine O’Brien invites you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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