Magical and inviting, the watercolor landscapes by artist Wendy Liang are filled with soft light and reflections. See more of her work by visiting her website.

“Winter” Watercolor, 30” x 22”
I paint to catch unforgettable moments of beauty in each season.

“Daybreak, California” Watercolor, 22” x 18”
Painting is my retreat, my therapy and my reward after a long day. My favorite subject matter includes not only objects such as the clouds, the sunset, and the trees, but also their shadows and reflections in the water.

“A Mountainous Village” Watercolor, 22” x 18”
I started painting watercolor eight years ago. It immediately became my favorite medium because of its translucency and its ability to create volatile and unpredictable effects with multiple layers of paint.

“Peach Blossoms” Watercolor, 22” x 18”
I love that watercolors can create a spectrum of textures, from complete transparency to total opacity.

“An Ancient Waterway” Watercolor, 22” x 18”
I am especially fascinated by how watercolor can depict reflections so effectively and am so fascinated by it that I may enjoy painting the rippled reflections even more than the actual objects themselves.

“Sausalito, California” Watercolor, 22” x 18”
The broken contours, the distorted images, the muted colors and the softened edges make up an amazing underwater palace.

“A Wintry Evening” Watercolor, 22″ x 18”
Depicting light and the illusion it creates is another one of my artistic interests.

“Traditional Residence, Suzhou, China, 22” x 18”
In the past couple of years, I have won several national and international art competitions, including Splash 19, Illusion of Light (2017), California Watercolor Association’s 48th National Exhibition (2018), The Artist’s Magazine’s 35th Annual Art Competition (2018) and Southwest Art Magazine’s Artistic Excellence Competition (2018). My current goal is to obtain a Master of Fine Arts to improve my knowledge and skills. Eventually I wish to teach college-level art.

“Melancholic Drizzle” Watercolor, 18” x 22”
I hope my artwork will continue to bring my audience joy and fond memories. I also hope to continue developing an individualistic art style and character.
Artist Wendy Liang invites you to follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
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