Inspirational landscapes by photographer Cheryl Harris capture the breathtaking beauty of our world. See more of her portfolio by visiting her website.

“Cape Porpoise Fish Shack” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
When I picked up my first Instamatic camera at age five, I had no idea of the role photography would play in my life. From my formal schooling in photography, to working in professional photo labs, to having my own commercial studio, to now shooting for myself as a creative outlet. Having a camera in hand has been a constant passion in my life.

“Clearing Storm” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
The first person whose work inspired me was Ansel Adams. In my opinion, he was truly the master of landscape photography.

“Dead Horse State Park” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
Today, social media allows me to see what and where my peers are shooting. I get inspired with new ideas and new locations to add to my bucket list. Instagram has opened the door to reach out to people anywhere in the world whose work I admire and connect with creatively.

“Hunters Beach Milky Way” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
In 2014, I took my first astrophotography workshop and I was hooked. It is incredible what the camera can capture of the night sky with long exposures or when stacking multiple images taken over an hour or more. Shooting at night is completely different. It is quiet and serene and presents its own set of challenges.

“Kancamangus StarTrails” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
The workshop reawakened my overall interest in shooting, as much as possible, wherever and whenever I can. I frequently attend workshops or meetups in order to meet other photographers and learn new techniques for shooting and digital editing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

“Old Orchard Sunrise Starburst” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
Some images take a lot of planning, while others happen magically and completely unexpectedly. Often, capturing that moment in time while balancing light and weather conditions is a true challenge.

“Jessup Path in Fall” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
When I am able to come away with a great image in less than perfect conditions, the effort is even more rewarding. To quote Ansel Adams, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”

“Mesa Arch Sunrise” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
I am a native New Englander, but have a love of the American Southwest and enjoy shooting everything both places have to offer, whether at sunrise, sunset or under the night sky.

“Sunset View Monument Valley” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
I began shooting in 35mm film format but in 2005 took the leap to a digital camera and have not looked back. Today, I shoot with Canon equipment in color and black and white, with lenses from wide to macro to telephoto, in RAW format. I digitally edit what I’ve photographed to achieve my final image.

“Annisquam Sunset” Digital Photograph, Various Sizes
As I approach early retirement, I look forward to having even more time to travel, explore and photograph new and familiar places.
Artist Cheryl Harris invites you to follow her on Instagram.
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