Contemporary artist Marius Zabinski presents a collection of dynamic paintings with highly decorative elements. View more of his work by visiting his website.

“Born to be Wild” oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
I am a Belgian artist of Polish origin, born in 1956. I currently have a studio in Brussels where I work every day to create contemporary art using my own distinctive and unique approach.

“Forever Young” acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland in 1981, I painted in a cubist style for many years. Over time, I transformed my style into my own signature look. I use classical techniques and other methods developed during the many years of my art practice.

“Lola in Gustav’s Universe” oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
Like every professional specialist, I have my own technical secrets that I do not share. My painting today is very characteristic and easily recognizable in the world of art. But I’m always looking to develop new techniques and am now working towards more abstraction in my portfolio.

“Gotham City” acrylic on canvas, 120 x 100 cm
My painting is eclectic and distinguished by a sense of vibrating light. Above all, I use a very rich and diverse texture in my work. The greatest inspiration for me is the world that surrounds us, visible and tangible as well as the invisible. I’m fascinated by energy and its power and convey that through my canvases.

Together=Stronger, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
I am currently working on oil paintings and trying to gather collections together for an upcoming exhibition. I have been fortunate that my paintings find buyers very quickly.

“Garden of Eden” acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
Throughout my long career I have participated in solo and group art exhibitions around the world, including New York, Monaco, Paris, Denmark, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and Singapore. My work is represented in Belgium by The Art Center Horus Gallery.

“Evolution” oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm
It has been an honor to act as the official ambassador for the Canson Company, makers of the world’s best paper for artists and photographers. My artwork appears on their packaging. Canson advertises its products at markets all over the world and my paintings are reproduced on their paper during the fairs. It has been a special privilege to work with such a high profile sponsor.

“Pink Dream” oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm
In my personal life, one of my great loves is scuba diving. I look forward to an upcoming trip where I will be diving with whales. For me, diving is like visiting another planet. I’m always happy underwater.
Marius Zabinski invites you to follow him on Instagram and YouTube.
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