Inspired by the urban landscape, the collagraphs of artist Joanie Landau are comprised of stark images in black and white, or saturated color. Visit her website to see more of her work.

“Current Status” Digital Collagraph, 40” x 30”
As a young artist, I discovered and became fascinated with collagraphs, a rather obscure form of printmaking, in a gallery in Massachusetts more than twenty years ago. At that time the gallery owner told me, “If you ever have the chance to study this art form, take it.”

“From Where I Lie Study No. 1” Digital Collagraph, 16” x 16”
The opportunity arose, and the discovery of the magical and infinite qualities of collagraphs was a game changer that had a profound effect on my art experience.

“From Where I Lie Study No. 7” Digital Collagraph, 16” x 16”
Busy with a young child, it became nearly impossible to go to a studio to get any work done. This led to a career as a jewelry designer, which I began in 2002. My love for gemstones and design had flipped another creative switch.

“State of Becoming” Digital Collagraph, 30” x 30”
I discovered that I could create a similar feeling of a collagraph created by the printing press, but done digitally, and within the comforts of my own home.

“Sorry Not So Much” Digital Collagraph, 20” x 20”
As I began experimenting on my computer (with the pleasant company of two rescue dogs!) I coined the term “Digital Collagraph” to describe my work.

“Hashtag Nation Quadriptych” Digital Collagraph, 4- 20” x 15” Panels (40” x 30” Total)
Each piece begins with original photography and usually multiple images are used to form a piece. I love working with saturated color as well as starkly contrasting black and whites, and very often do a study of the same piece in all its beautiful transformations.

“Justice + Equality” Digital Collagraph, 40” x 30”
The digital art experience provides an outlet to be unceasingly creative, continually working and reworking pieces with the click of a mouse.

“Love Your Neighbor” Digital Collagraph, 55” x 41”
Every new layer or filter creates endless possibilities, tapping into the unlocked potential that exists and providing the feeling that there are no barriers.

“Tree on Main Duo” Digital Collagraph, 50” x 40”
Having grown up in New York City, I am continually inspired by the messages that are plastered around the grittier areas of the urban landscape. Channeling these messages led to my first pieces, political and provocative in nature, as well as exploring the power of language.

Artist Joanie Landau
Using direct communication from the streets as well as social media, my intention is to confront modern social commentary with a splash of sarcasm and humor. Influenced by artists such as Mel Bochner, Barbara Kruger and Andy Warhol, I am in a constant state of exploration.
Artist Joanie Landau invites you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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