Watercolor artist Pritha Srinivasan captures ethereal feminine beauty in a portfolio drawn from nature. See more from this talented artist by visiting her website.

“Butterfly Whisperer” watercolor, 11″ x 14″
I am a contemporary self-taught watermedia artist and have been creating art since childhood. I was born in Chicago and grew up with parents who nurtured a love of the arts. My father took us to the great museums of Chicago whenever he could. My mother is a landscape painter, and I have vivid memories of her painting in our basement and taking us to art fairs. I also played the violin and that captured my imagination in a different way, as only music can transport.

“While No One was Watching” watercolor, 12″ x 9″
However, when it was time for college, I decided to pursue a different, more “secure” path at the University of Michigan. As a licensed clinical social worker, I worked in many different capacities, feeling fulfilled from helping people heal from trauma. But I would sketch and paint before every day job, always dreaming of a time I could devote myself to art more.

“Invincible Summer” watercolor, 11″ x 14″
That chance came when my husband was offered a job in Japan. We lived there for two magical years, giving me time and space to create every day.

“Unfurl” watercolor, 12″ x 16″
I realized then how sacred and sustaining the art of painting would be for me. I was inspired by everything around me, but in particular by color, poetry, and storytelling. I chose watercolors as my medium; they became my lifeline to transcend the ordinary. Soon I was entering local art shows and selling my artwork, a phenomenal feeling for me. Not only did I love painting, but others wanted to buy my work, a turning point in my art timeline.

“Survivor” watercolor, 11″ x 14″
Through motherhood and many moves, I continued painting. It remained my meditative space, and I focused upon honing my skills, painting whenever I could. I joined art leagues and entered juried shows, winning multiple awards at regional shows. Each opportunity opened more doorways and gave way to lifelong connections.

“The Last Potomac River Lighthouse” watercolor miniature 3″ x 4″
Through my paintings, I explored the journeys within and beyond ourselves, focusing upon color, wonder, and mood. Travel has always influenced my creations. I believe leaving home is necessary, but being home within yourself is equally rich and fertile ground.

“Soul and Flowering” watercolor, 11″ x 14″
Being an artist helped me realize all the while that life was never ordinary, every moment was extraordinary. Painting gave me the voice to express that infinite beauty to others. My artwork covers a multitude of subjects. I paint flora and fauna, portraiture, and moments of our lives. All the while, color is my guiding light. I let the flowing, luminous colors convey exuberance, nostalgia, joy, and heartache.

“Metamorphosis” watercolor, 11″ x 14″
My paintings blend surreal and magical with realism, and I pay deep attention to the details and layers of wonder both within and around us. A series I am working on now focuses upon painting the feminine, while weaving nature and cultural references into my stories.

“First Love” watercolor, 12″ x 16″
It has been an honor to exhibit alongside other inspiring artists in many group and invitational shows. My current goal is to have a solo show, highlighting my view of our precious world through my expressive artwork.
Pritha Srinivasan invites you to follow on Instagram and Facebook.
Gorgeous! Narrative expository commentary. What an insightful broad intercourse.
But why faminine portraiture?
Is it harbour of naunces that point out the 360 degree spectrum of being human and life.