David McGlynn’s fascinating images are based on the perception of photography as a subjective work of art, rather than merely an objective visual record. Enjoy, and visit his website to see more of his work.

“STANDARD RESET” Digital Photo Print, 12” x 18”
Somewhere along my artmaking journey, I became hooked on making multiple image photo collages.

“ALGORITHM SPOILT” Digital Photo Print, 24” x 9”
I have had a long and storied artmaking career, wending my way through producing, showing and selling fine art as well as getting work published, doing commercial photo-illustration and producing work for permanent installations.

“NO MEDICINE FOR REGRET” Digital Photo Print, 13” x 17”
The common thread has been photo collage and montage in one form or another.

“BACK ON OUR HEADS” Digital Photo Print, 14” x 17”
Partly out of dissatisfaction with the limitations of static single image photographs, which represent a single snapshot of time, I sought ways to involve more craft and decision making throughout the entire process, and not simply at the moment of “pressing the shutter button.”

“BORN SLIPPY” Digital Photo Print, 20” x 20”
Collage was a natural evolution for this approach.

“88-111-(The Man in the Boat)” Digital Photo Print, 10” x 13”
There is involvement and creative decision making every step of the way, from conception, to the capture of images themselves, all the way up to the final placement of the last image. Hence, the process resembles that of other traditional art practices such as painting, drawing, and sculpture.

“BIRD STUDY” Digital Photo Print, 12″ x 20”
What I end up choosing to photograph is entirely tied to this unique approach.

“BIG IN YOUR AREA” Digital Photo Print, 16” x 16”
I will find scenes and places that will suit my ideas, and not the other way around. Over the past few years I have been making collages using imagery found on Google Earth software. This work can be very abstract, truly resembling painting more than traditional photography.

“STEP WORK” Digital Photo Print, 16” x 16”
Last year, on my sixtieth birthday, I gave myself a present. I decided to commit to making and posting a multiple image artwork every day on a blog for a period of one year, with at least fifty percent of the works being created anew.

“THE NEW SOS” Digital Photo Print, 19” x 13”
I’m about three quarters of the way through and it has been quite an amazing ride. I have never been busier and I am creating some work that I am very happy with. More to come!
Artist David McGlynn invites you to follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
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