Featured Artist Cecelia Feld

Artist Cecelia Feld describes her abstract artwork as “chasing the unexpected.” Using printmaking, painting and collage, her visual components lead down unexpected paths. Visit her website to see more.


“Chasing The Unexpected” Collage, 22” x 30"by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Chasing The Unexpected” Collage, 22” x 30″


No preconceived idea. That’s how I begin. I gather bits and pieces from my visual experiences and bump them up against each other.


Untitled—Mixed Media Painting on Panel, 36” x 36" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

Untitled—Mixed Media Painting on Panel, 36” x 36″


My work, in printmaking, painting and collage is about exploring relationships. There are references in my work to the textures, colors, lines and shapes of my encounters in the real world.


Untitled—Mixed Media Painting on Panel, 36” x 36"by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

Untitled—Mixed Media Painting on Panel, 36” x 36″


The layered or intersecting shapes, the punctuations or expanses of color, the character of a line; these order the picture plane which is my playing field. The resulting abstract images may or may not allude to natural forms.


“Hidden In Plain Sight 1” Collage, 16” x 20" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Hidden In Plain Sight 1” Collage, 16” x 20″


The relationship of visual components in my work is similar to what happens in jazz. There are themes and variations, repetitive devices, tension and release, harmony and disharmony. There is a lot of improvisation. The results are unexpected. I might have some idea of the general direction but, like jazz, there can be many twists and turns along the way before a work is completed. The result is often the impetus for the next part of my art-making journey.


“Hidden In Plain Sight 5” Collage, 16” x 20"by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Hidden In Plain Sight 5” Collage, 16” x 20″


My collagraph and monotype prints frequently become the basis for the collages. They may be background or foreground and provide texture and color, which play off against other kinds of found paper in the collage.


“Mini-Go-Round 1” Collage, 6” x 8" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Mini-Go-Round 1” Collage, 6” x 8″


Older prints are often “repurposed” and cut up. Sometimes, an acrylic painting on paper is the foundation for a newly created collage.


“Have Map Will Travel 8” Collage, 24” x 30" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Have Map Will Travel 8” Collage, 24” x 30″


I love to travel and have a large collection of old paper maps. Instead of cutting them up I photograph them, print from the computer and cut them, incorporating them into collages such as the series “Have Map Will Travel.”


“In The Course of Time” Monotype with Collage, 30” x 22" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“In The Course of Time” Monotype with Collage, 30” x 22″


My mixed media acrylic paintings, like my prints and collages, also explore the nature of abstraction. I may add string, paper, cardboard, fabric or areas of heavy gesso to give added texture to the painted surface.


Artist Cecelia Feld in her studio working on a collagraph print.See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

Artist Cecelia Feld in her studio working on a collagraph print.


My studios are my refuge, whether in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Dallas or the tranquility of my north Texas farm. Travel, at home and abroad, fuels my imagination. I channel the sights, sounds, order and chaos into works on canvas and paper.


“Kaleidoscope 4” Collage on Acrylic Painted Paper, Pastels, 18” x 24" by artist Cecelia Feld. See her portfolio by visiting www.ArtsyShark.com

“Kaleidoscope 4” Collage on Acrylic Painted Paper, Pastels, 18” x 24″


Serendipity is the hallmark of my work. I love the unpredictability of working with paint, paper, ink and plate.


Artist Cecelia Feld invites you to follow her on her Blog and Twitter.


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  1. Ginger Mynatt says

    I have followed Celia’s works for several years and love what she does with found objects and bright colors. Often her collages speak to me, representing a subject, time, or emotion. So glad you featured her.

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