Painter Traci Meitzler creates mixed media abstract paintings that she calls chaotic architecture. Visit her website to see more.

“City by the Sea” mixed media on canvas, 48” x 48”
Wife, Mother…Artist!

“Storm Front” mixed media on canvas, 36” x 24”
As an artist I work hard to develop art that speaks both to me and to others about my emotions and frame of mind while creating.

“Looking for Revolution at the Thrift Store” mixed media on canvas, 24” x 30”
Each piece has a story, a moment in time, a feeling. The direction at the start of a project can be monumentally different compared to the conclusion. Documenting that process is the best way to see that evolution. I take many photos throughout the process as well as keep a diary on what has inspired me, or music I’ve been listening to. Reading what I’ve written always gives me a baseline to come back to in regard to idea consistency.

“Category 5” acrylic on canvas, 30” x 24”
I would classify my style as chaotic architecture. I enjoy the juxtaposition of straight edges with organic curves. I believe that a painting or any design cannot have just one element, but that each exists in harmony because of the other. I wouldn’t appreciate the soft curves or winding swirls if the rigid, inflexible boundaries weren’t there to limit their reach, and vice versa.

“Conscious Captivity” mixed media on two canvases with black float frame, 20” x 20” Each
I work mostly in acrylic mediums along with other materials such as marker, charcoal, spray paint and modeling paste. I like to add non-standard items as well to create texture, such as clear acrylic sheets, textured wall paper, and coarse sand.

“Angels in the Architecture” mixed media on canvas, 22” x 22”
I enjoy ending up with a painting that is half two-dimensional and half three-dimensional which is difficult for the viewer, or myself, to resist touching. An entire shelf littered with found items, cardboard, fabrics and hardware are just patiently waiting to become part of a new project.

“Pants on Fire” acrylic on canvas, 16” x 40”
I never have just one piece of art being manufactured at a time. It’s not unusual for me to have two to three abstracts, a collage and a couple landscapes hanging around.

“The Lies We Tell Ourselves” mixed media on canvas, 36″ x 36″
I don’t initially determine that a piece is complete until it has been installed in my home somewhere.

“The Invention of Wings” mixed media on laminated board, 22” x 18”
I always need that time for reflection and critique from myself as well as guests and family. I need to live with a piece of art for a while to become truly fond of it. I like to see the painting in its “natural” habitat before I can speak to the piece as well as defend it.

Artist Traci Meitzler
What creates the most pleasure for me is watching someone view my work for the first time or hanging a piece for a client in their new home. I love knowing that I made something that will be cared for with as much love and dedication as it took to create it.
Artist Traci Meitzler invites you to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
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