Artist Margret Petrie presents a collection of contemporary abstract works made with collaged monoprints. See more of her portfolio by visiting her website.

“Field of Awareness” acrylic collage on wood, 6″ x 6″
I am a self-taught visual artist obsessed with making collages from my unique printed papers.

“Fully Awake” acrylic collage on wood, 6″ x 6″
My work has been featured in galleries, retail shops, and juried exhibitions. I have created coasters and plates from original collage designs and continue to make original notecards on commission.

“Flow Freely” acrylic collage on paper, 6″ x 4″
I use a Gelli plate to create monoprints that I use in my abstract collages. When beginning a new collage, I sort through my piles of hundreds of these printed papers and decide on a color palette. Once I have a small stack of prints, I start cutting and pasting.

Artist Margret Petrie’s collage tools/assortment of blue monoprint papers
Most often it’s the tiny scraps and bits that call out to me and make their way into a piece. I work very small and could not do this work without my coveted tweezers and scissors.

“Cradled in Awareness” acrylic collage on wood, 6″ x 6″
A turning point in my art practice came when I was selected to participate in an exhibit which required creating one small work each day for thirty consecutive days.

“In One Region or Another” acrylic collage on wood, 6″ x 6″
I had always struggled with leaving white space in my artwork, even though it’s what I am drawn to. Adding the daily ritual of starting and finishing one piece after my meditation practice pulled me deeper into a place of acceptance, both of myself and my body of work.

“Make Sure You Know Where Your Mind Is” acrylic collage on wood, 6″ x 6″
I made an intentional decision to find the white space in each piece and trust that the end result would be rewarding.

“Scratch the Itch” acrylic collage on paper, 6″ x 5″
Most days, I was able to purposefully dismiss my inner critic, not second guess, and to stop and not make another mark or add another shape. To let it be. To leave the white space. My self-doubt subsided and I was able to create quickly and intuitively.

“Stand Firm” acrylic collage on paper, 5″ x 5″
I am thrilled with the results! My large collage grids, some of which have 220 small 3” collages within them, came out of this experience.

“Authentic Obsessions” acrylic collage on paper, 5″ x 5″
I started the Authentic Obsessions podcast because I needed to connect with other artists and hear how they keep showing up in spite of obstacles and fears. I am interested in how physical spaces influence an artist’s mental and emotional life, and how this relates to creativity and productivity. The conversations are honest and candid, and my guests are vulnerable and inspiring.
Artist Margret Petrie invites you to follow her on Instagram, Facebook and her Authentic Obsessions Podcast.
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