Artist Marti Leroux presents a fascinating collection of intuitive paintings that combine abstraction with realism. View more of her work on her website.

“I am Yours” mixed media on paper, 30” x 22”
I became attracted to intuitive painting, letting my inner guidance paint a song on canvas. A song of love. A song of joy. A song of hope.

“A Song of Love VI” mixed media on paper, 12” x 18”
I have no plan of composition or colour when starting a painting. Most of the time I start in silence. I quiet my mind and I simply begin.

“Life Journey” mixed media on paper, 24” x 18”
I let myself be guided to choose the colour that speaks to me the most in that moment, and I start to create shapes and lines. I paint in mixed media and in oil. Many layers are applied. I often see an animal emerge in the abstract composition; I help it along and part of my painting becomes realistic.

“Lost in a Dream” mixed media on paper, 30” x 22”
My painting style is a fusion of abstract and animal realism—a merging of my inner and outer worlds on canvas or paper. I call my painting process “intuitive painting” because it feels like a meditation and is so peaceful. I connect to my inner wisdom and inspiration flows through me. I let go and trust the process.

“Forever Changed” mixed media on paper, 12” x 18”
In 2008, my whole world changed when my youngest daughter became ill. This experience brought me to my knees—so much sadness, despair and hopelessness. I started to question this thing called life, “Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? Why do people suffer?”

“Forget me Not” mixed media on paper, 18” x 24”
My quest to find answers led me on a spiritual journey. A journey within. A voyage of the soul. Slowly, my painting style started to change. This voyage within led me to paint intuitively.

“Remember Me” mixed media on paper, 12” x 18”
What I realized was that my strength was within. There, I found hope, joy, peacefulness and so much love. Getting lost in the creating process helped me heal my heart.

“The Space Between Time” mixed media on paper, 30” x 22”
I welcomed these long moments where time stopped for me. Even in the middle of a crisis I was able to experience joy. Art became a doorway into a serene world.

“Time to say Goodbye” mixed media on paper, 18” x 24”
In 2017 my whole world felt like it came to an end when my daughter passed away two weeks before her 22nd birthday. I was forever changed. In my daughter’s darkest moments, she gave me advice on how to move forward, “Mommy, when it gets hard, paint it out. That’s how great art is formed.”

“Wait for Me” mixed media on paper, 24” x 18”
My paintings hold the essence of hope and love. I create with the intention that my artwork will help you connect to your inner wisdom and remind you of your strength, your courage, your joy and your inner beauty. When you connect to the core of your soul you too will find hope, joy, peacefulness and so much love.
Artist Marti Leroux invites you to follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
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