Artist Wayne K. Johnson shares a selection of energetic mixed media drawings and expressive abstract paintings. See more by visiting his website.

“North Carolina Pot” acrylic on canvas, 30” x 40”
As a child I was exposed to creative endeavors through my mother’s interest in crafts. She was very creative and made things until her passing in 2019.

“Still Life with Fruit Bowl and Carolina Pot” acrylic on canvas, 40” x 30”
My first creations were drawings. I developed an interest in photography and filmmaking as a teenager. When I graduated high school, I decided that I wanted to make a career in art. I started with an education, receiving a Bachelors of Fine arts degree from Old Dominion University.

“Red Hat and Wallflowers” acrylic on canvas, 30” x 40”
After graduation I worked in the media department for a community college and perused gallery representation. I had many one-person and group shows, juried exhibitions and art fairs where I received critical acclaim. From that experience I decided that teaching art at the college level would be the ideal situation for me. I would be exposed to art and artists, and could share my skills and knowledge with others with similar interests. I applied for and was accepted into the Masters program at East Carolina University.

“Woman with Shawl” acrylic on canvas, 30” x 40”
After receiving a Masters of Fine Arts degree, I applied for college teaching positions. While waiting for an offer of full time employment, I taught part time at a community college and had a visiting artist position at The University Of Maine.

“Fruit Bowl After Matisse” acrylic on canvas, 24” x 36”
I was concerned that I was not making enough money to support my family and a full-time position teaching was not materializing, so I took a position in management at a local ship repair facility. Ultimately, I worked in that field for over thirty years. The demands on my time from the job took me away from painting. Despite that, I continued to find a wide variety of inspiration, from the beauty of a flower to the beauty of a hole in the street.

“Seated Woman” acrylic on canvas, 26.5” x 38.25”
When a major corporation purchased the company I was working for in 2017, I became financially secure enough to retire. Once again, I had the time I needed to devote to painting. I started to paint with fervor and have been producing an amazing volume of work since. North Carolina art pottery, women and fruit are prominent in my paintings.

“Still Life with N.C. Pottery” acrylic on canvas, 40” x 30”
My work is typically objective abstraction, based on my chosen subject matter.

“19 Woman 13” mixed media, 18” x 12”
I enjoy creating more spontaneous smaller scale works in mixed media on paper as well, and began creating them in 2018. These energetic expressive works are from my perspective based on the female figure, but are likely seen by others as completely non-objective. They are quickly executed, using expressive marks, gestures and symbols.

“Man Woman Asparagus” mixed media, 30” x 22.5”
In 2020, I had surgery and the recovery made it difficult for me to paint. So I turned once more to drawing. The mixed media drawings I created in 2020 usually depicted a bizarre juxtaposition of unrelated objects. I often make recognizable images from abstract blotches and gestural marks.

“Contemporary Still Life” mixed media, 30” x 22.5”
Since reinvigorating my artistic pursuits, my work has been accepted in local and national juried exhibitions. I have also participated in solo and group art shows.
These are all interesting. My favorite is 19 Woman 13.