by guest blogger Carole Boyd
An old-style traditional way of marketing can lead to repeat customers and long-term relationships. Here’s how a simple notecard led to a sale.

“Abandoned Mission” digital painting by artist Carole Boyd
Quite a few years ago I sold some Native American pottery to a couple in Texas who had just purchased a ranch and were enthusiastic about its history. When shipping the pottery, I included an original art notecard thanking them for their purchase and signed it. It depicted an abandoned mission.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from Shopify notifying me that I had sold a painting. Further investigation revealed that it was the original painting, Abandoned Mission. The purchasers were the same people who bought the pottery years ago. I remembered them because of their interest in their land, and because their last name is the same as mine. I had forgotten, though, about the notecard.
Just after the Shopify good news, I received an email from them. They told me that all these years, they had loved and saved my little notecard of the abandoned mission. They said they were thrilled to have found my art website and asked if the original painting was available. It was. They purchased it immediately. Very soon after that they emailed me again. This time they thanked me again for the beautiful art, and reminded me of the notecard. They said they are building a new home where this painting will have a prominent place!
That innocent little notecard was treasured and carried with them for years. It inspired them to seek out my art website to make the purchase of the original painting. I have had people tell me that they actually frame my notecards since they are signed and like tiny pieces of original art. Many times my notecards have led to subsequent purchases.
One might think that, in today’s world of emails, social media and Facetime, notecards have become passe. Instead, they can be more than just a means of communication. They can be perceived as a gift of art and a way of special communication beyond the words written on them. And, by the way, people do still send notecards!
When I make a sale, I always include some notecards as a thank you to my new customer. They are very much appreciated, and you never know what they might lead to!
Artist Carole Boyd is a digital artist whose work can be found by visiting her website.
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