Sharon Lynn Williams presents a collection of boldly colorful paintings that brings the landscape to life. View more by visiting her website.

“The Red Makes It” acrylic, 12” x 12”
I have been passionately painting in diverse media and subject for the last thirty-five years, and have earned signature status in the Federation of Canadian Artists (AFCA) and the International Plein Air Painters (IPAP).

“Winter Contrasts” acrylic, 16” x 12”
My art is about my love for the landscape, and expressing the joy and freedom I find in the subject.

“Marsh Memory” acrylic, 12” x 12”
Although I had previously painted landscape in watercolours, I began to paint en plein air in order to teach myself how to paint in oils. I was surprised by the connection that I felt to the Creator while I was doing it. That began a seven-year journey of developing my unique vision.

“Colourful Towers” acrylic, 20” x 24”
I found that while in the environment painting, I was able to really become absorbed in it. This was not only visual, but through my other senses as well. The feel of the breeze, the smell of the earth and foliage and the sounds of nature were captured within my work, and that made all the difference.

“Overflow” acrylic, 18” x 12”
My experience with painting landscapes was by now in my soul. I felt the freedom to begin to express myself in less representational ways.

“Rundle’s Song” acrylic, 16” x 16”
Over the last two years, I began to seek a more personal and contemporary expression. This experimentation starts in the studio using acrylic paint for its quick drying and ease of radical shifts in direction. I felt led to make a list of what I loved in other artists’ work, and then honed that down to make a road map for myself that I used to move my work in new directions. When I got stuck in a painting, the road map would give me the direction I needed.

“Sarah’s Wedding” acrylic, 24” x 24”
The new aesthetic that I have developed focuses on a limited amount of very interesting shapes. It includes strong decisive brush marks, inventive, pushed and gradated colour, flattening of the picture plane, pattern and strong value contrasts.

“Planted By The Water” acrylic, 12” x 12”
I’ve been teaching art for the last twenty-five years to artists at all levels. I knew that this process was one that would be valuable for others. I also developed an online course/mentoring based on this method.

“Spectacle” acrylic, 30” x 24”
I’m so excited to help other painters find the gift of a personal road map to lead them to their heart’s desires through their art. It is an incredible journey filled with frustration and joy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Artist Sharon Lynn Williams invites you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
These are all so lovely. I like your style.