As a working artist, do you have everything in place to keep your art business sustainable through challenges and difficulties?
Insurance Basics for Artists
Are you aware of the types of insurance your art business should have to protect against loss and liability?
How to Protect Your Art Business and Studio
As small business people, creatives face different forms of risk every day. Misperceptions are common in the art community about studio and personal safety, insurance and emergency preparedness.
Create an FAQ Page on Your Art Website
If you’re not making sales through your art website, take a look at the user experience. Do visitors seeing your work understand your terms and policies and how to make a purchase?
5 Ways to Organize Your Art Business (and Avoid Headaches!)
Is your art business organized? Save yourself unnecessary stress by getting organized with these 5 useful tips
Artists & Doctors Create their own Healthcare Reform
The O+ Festival could serve as a prototype for other cities to follow, not only in helping artists get better health care, but by bringing awareness to the health-related hardships artists face. – Samantha Levin
Gotcha Covered – Insurance Resources for Artists
Compared to being a defendant in a liability lawsuit or losing your studio, office contents and inventory in a fire or disaster, insurance premiums are an incredible deal.
A Disaster and a Valuable Lesson
About 69 percent of artists are not properly insured. Find out how you can protect your studio, your artwork and yourself in the event of loss of property or a claim against you.